Every childs is born with an unstoppable curiosity and creativity, at Playative, our goal is to unlock these innate talents. We believe that great design is the cornerstone of success, great designs communicate inspiring ideals – the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Our products are beautiful and elegantly designed with the goal to produce that satisfying feeling that one experiences when something is obviously well thought out. Our physical kits bridge the gap between studying a concept and really understanding it. There is no substitute for real-world, hands-on experience. We develop learning kits that help children grasp complex ideas rapidly, by engaging all the senses. We truly believe that clear, understandable instructions are essential. Our carefully designed instructional media elements will keep the process flowing along smoothly in every context, from the classroom, to individual study – we have you covered! It’s essential that citizens of tomorrow have a solid understanding of Not only do we teach technology, we also leverage it – technologies like VR, Leo Fernekes is an engineer and technology entrepreneur with over 15 patents to his name, he has founded several companies and developed many new products and technologies along his career journey. Leo now turns his focus to developing new educational products and tools to help today’s children master the all-important subjects of science and technology. Frank is an entrepreneur, business manager, media professional, and a passionate educator that led him to start a career in teaching English when he was 19. He perceived a gap in Thailand’s wealth distribution that has a massive effect on education, by combining his technology experience and passion for education he’s founded Playative with a mission to improving education for everyone in Thailand and hopefully, the world. Tom Krueger is a filmmaker, writer, and storyteller directing feature films, documentaries, commercials, while working extensively in the marketing and advertising world. His clients include IBM and Apple, as well as cultural icons such as U2, and David Bowie. He was also part of the team that won an Emmy Award for the PBS Children’s Television Workshop “3-2-1 Contact”, and was also involved in the making of the PBS series “Nova”. Oh, and he plays the violin. Design Philosophy
Kit Instructions
the science and technologies that are the keys to a better future.
AR and Mobile Applications others form a core part of our lesson plans. Playative for Parents
Encourages a problem-solving mentality Playative for teachers
Leo Fernekes
Frank (Kittipong Chaivitithvanich)
Tom Krueger